Designing logos for companies

Designing logos for companies

Develop and come up with an item, which is the logo, despite its apparent simplicity, it is almost the most important task of the matter and bring probably the most problems. This element, which in its simplicity is show all the ideology and activities of the company he represents. Poor logo right from the start will give us a lot of problems and sometimes even we can’ t realize this, why that, if another company is bypassed by the customers a wide berth.

We all know the examples when the logo perfectly identified with the company, and even when it is not written, which is a company, and we are so well know it. When John Pemberton typeface called Spencerian Script wrote two words: "Coca-Cola" did not know that they become some of the most recognizable in the world. Since John was the only assistant, the logo doesn’ t cost the company or the dollar. For comparison logo BP 2008 is the cost of two hundred eleven million dollars.

It is clear that not every company has a logo that is recognizable like so the Golden Arches, but it definitely should be put into the process and part of a lot of imagination and creative thinking "crazy" to one small picture to include more than just the profile and type of business.

The Visual Image, joining the process of creating the logo, are focused primarily on what you tell us a client. This is the key to success, and for us the most important stage of work. If the customer already has an idea or concept, then this is the most considered and put into action. Add your modifications and suggestions and then present the client the fruit of our actions. If there are new guidelines, the process continues. Visual Image likes a challenge. The concepts and ideas transferred to the card and then on the computer screen our graphic designers make a lot of fun, and the proof will let even our logo, which looks sensational and is increasingly recognized in the market of advertising services.


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